Questions & Answers

Evo-Start LTE offline

0 votes


i installed the EVo-Start LTE January 12th everything was working great (LTE, GPS, Bluetooth). On February 2nd it went offline while the car had been parked at 2109hrs(MST), no GPS connection no LTE, only bluetooth connection works.  On the app, the unit is listed offline, is there any way to reboot the unit? Or is it a network issue.


Device ID:8**************
asked Feb 4, 2023 in FAQ by AGDS (210 points)
edited Feb 11, 2023 by AGDS

1 Answer

0 votes

In order to verify this I would first need the device id.

If you tap the cars name on the main screen the device id will appear.


Best regards.
answered Feb 6, 2023 by derek g (336,040 points)
Is the vehicle parked outside, in a garage or underground?
It was/is parked outside. Ive tried to reinstall the app, as well as re-adding in the vehicle on the app.
I have also uplugged the transmitter to hopefully reset it and bring it back online, but the attemp was unsuccessful and it still displays offline on the app.
Ok, I am waiting on engineering to have a look at the antenna too see if anything can  be done on Fortin's end. Once i have more information i will reply to this thread.
A reset has been done to the sim card.


Please unplug the evo start, wait 10 seconds then plug it back in and re test.

Thank you.
it doesnt appear the sim reset worked, the antenna's blue led is blinking slowly, and the app shows offline. I erased and readded the antenna on the app while it was disconnected on the second disconnection.
I see. Next I will need you to send an email with the deivce id, your full name and the name of your shop/store to I think we may need to rma that device.

Please reference this thread in the email and I will provide instructions on what to do next.

Thank you.
Ok, thank you for your help.

If you are still using the device, please try the following:

1 - Power off the EvoSTart LTE
2 - Open the case and remove the SIM card
3 - Wait 5min
4 - Insert the SIM card back and close the casing
5 - Power the EvoStart up.
Best regards.
I followed your instructions removed the SIM for 5 minutes, after plugging the antenna back into the harness the red led was solid for 15 seconds before returning to just flashing, blue led just blinks. App still shows unit as offline.
Thank you for performing that test.


Can you please unplug wait 10 seconds and re plug the evo start module again.


Best regards.
No changes, blue led continues to blink, and app shows antenna as offline.