Questions & Answers

RF642W - Two way communication not working

+1 vote
In order to have a remote with each physical key, I purchased a 2nd RF642W kit. After pairing the remotes from the 2nd kit to the vehicle the remotes work in that they are able to preform all the functions. However, they don't appear to recieve 2 way confirmation. The most annoying part of this is when I press lock/unlock on one of the 2nd kit's remotes the vehicle locks/unlocks 3x before the remote says it did not work (even though it did).

Is there a way to get the remotes from the 2nd kit to recieve the 2 way confirmations?
asked Jul 23, 2023 in RF-Kits by holdmybeer (150 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Please re pair all of the remotes being used at the same time.

Once all remotes are re paired please re test.

Best regards.
answered Jul 24, 2023 by derek g (336,040 points)
Repaired with all remotes. The original remotes continue to work as expected. The remotes from the 2nd kit continue to only work as one way remotes, never getting confirmation and always sending the lock command 3 times.
the 3x command is normal becuase since the remote cannot confirm if the command works, it sends it 2 more times to ensure at least 1 command gets through.


In this case what you will need to do is to contact whoever sold you the rf kit and get it exchanged. It must with an issue with the remotes themselves if the other 2 work fine.


Best regards.
They were used. I assume they were previously paired with a different unit. Could that be an issue?
Being paired to another unit should not impede the way the remote functions.