Questions & Answers

2007 Mazda cx9 evo all

+1 vote
Installed evo all wire diagram 3 f every thing works great the evo controls door locks connection at bcm light green arm disarm wire I have programed unlock before start and re lock after start because the alarm must be disarmed before start the problem is the front windows drop down a little should I hard wire locks instead of using the evo thanks
asked Nov 28, 2014 in Mazda by nascar (230 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

Wire the door locks to the remote starter. The pulse coming out the EVO is probably to long if the window drops.

Wire is light green if the vehicle has the factory alarm

  • 1K ohm to lock, no resistor for unlock

Wire is purple / white if the vehicle does not have a factory alarm

  • 1K ohm to lock, no resistor for unlock

Thanks for the feedback!


answered Nov 28, 2014 by Robert T (299,950 points)
Thanks, Just had this exact problem and it now is resolved.