Questions & Answers

TBGM2 wont work

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I have a Chev Express with a EVO-CAN AND A FSA 216 STARTER

It will start if I hold the key near the key barrel but not with the TBGM2 near the key barrel

I have replaced all three items but still no luck and reprogrammed the new TBGM2

The starter parking lights flash 4 times but the starter is not in valet mode

When the truck came in it had a message on the dash Service Detterent System but it doesn't now
asked Jan 21, 2015 in Chevrolet by Ken Doidge (180 points)

2 Answers

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If you get 4 flashes as soon as you activate the starter, this means it's in valet mode. If the starter actually turns on (you should see the red led on the EVO-CAN turn on), and you 4 flashes, it's because there is no tach detected. You should try redoing the tach learning procedure (if tach is actually connected and it's not in tachless mode).

if you want to test your TBGM2 programming, wrap the key in aluminium foil, jump both wires of the TBGM that plug into the EVO-CAN together, then try starting the car with the key.

Other than that, look through the actual install, what car is it anyway?
answered Jan 21, 2015 by Robert T (299,950 points)
0 votes
Dear Robert Tamilio

When the remote starter is activated the EVO-CAN red light comes on then the yellow as well

After that the ignition comes on but truck does'nt crank then after a short delay the parking lights flash 4 times

I tried the valet mode then the starter does nothing


With the key in tinfoil ignition comes on but it doesn't crank

With the TGM2 wire shorted to EVO it does the smae thing
answered Jan 21, 2015 by Ken Doidge (180 points)
Verify the ring that is around the key barrel. Take your DMM and make sure there is continuity between the two wires of the ring. If it's open that ring needs to be replaces