Questions & Answers

Fortin Remote FTX-64-2W

0 votes

According to the user manual i found in the Crutchfield  page,the two way remote remote can ilumate and produce sound in some events:

I just want to know if is only for confirmation of the remote engine start / stop or also works when a sensor is trigged (or a door, hood,hatch is open) and the system is armed.

asked Jan 4, 2016 in RF-Kits by Danny Rivera (510 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
2-way confirmations are for locking, unlocking and remote starting only. Anything alarm related is not 2-way, so the remote will not warn you that a door is open.


here's the user guide, i am not sure which one crutchfield is listing:  Some features will not be compatible with the EVO-ALL as it is designed primarily for the EVO-ONE.
answered Jan 4, 2016 by Robert T (299,650 points)
selected May 9, 2016 by Danny Rivera
Thanks !
That link is in French.  Do you have the English version?
Fixed, here's the link the english version:
Thank for quick reply.