Questions & Answers

Lock/unlock doesn't work

0 votes
Lock / unlock button on remote working like arm/disarm only. Purple connected to purple, purple/white to green /black. What's wrong. After remote starting parking light flashing every time. Its normal?
asked Feb 1, 2016 in Toyota by sergey filimonoff (270 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
you are on the wrong need the lock & unlock wires not arm & dis arm.
answered Feb 1, 2016 by derek g (336,040 points)
selected Feb 2, 2016 by derek g
What color wire tacoma 2007 for lock and unlock? Arm/disarm needs to be connected or not?
lock in your vehicle should be blue/white driver kick panel white connector.

Unlock should be grey driver kick panel white connector.

Unlock requires a double pulse.

You may need to connect arm and dis arm test the wires first.
Ok. Will see. A5 is (-) disarm on evo-one. (-) Arm??? A8 you need to set option 32.5 in the remote start options to turn it into a arm wire.
Ok. Thanks. Last question: A4 green and A5 white needs to be connected? If yes- where?
No. Green and white are not connected when using evoone.
Everything working great. Thaks for help.
glad to hear!