Questions & Answers

2022 wrangler

+1 vote
Hello. I installed evo-all on a 2022 Wrangler. When registering, the decryptor wrote: "DCRYPTORS LIMIT HAS BEEN REACHED FOR THIS CAR...What should I do?
posté Mai 21 dans la catégorie Jeep par G M (14,360 points)
ré-ouvertes Mai 22 par G M

1 Réponse

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What is the S/N I can get it reset for you.

Best regards.
répondu Mai 21 par derek g (337,260 points)
élue Mai 22 par G M
I used to struggle with installing it on Infiniti
It has been reset.
Thanks a lot. Everything is okay. This car does not have central locking. It also doesn't have power windows...It doesn't even have a remote control. I installed them and Take Over works too.