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I live in a very hot country, and the temperature inside the car cabin in the summer reaches 70 degrees Celsius. Does the remote control device withstand high temperatures or is it at risk of explosion?
posté Juil 14 dans la catégorie FAQ par qepz qepz (130 points)

1 Réponse

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Fortin products are tested  to withstand both extreme heat and extreme cold.

Best regards.
répondu Juil 15 par derek g (337,310 points)

Thanks for the reply but can you tell me what temperature you mean when you said extreme heat ? because my car is very very very hot in the summer thats why i nwant tp buy the remote start engine to cool the car


The tested operating range for an evo-one is -40' to +85'C.

Best regards.
I am sorry, but I will buy the device from your authorized distributor in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, DriveX, and he does not tell us the name of the device in detail.

Is the device he is selling an Evo One that can withstand heat?

The device he offers for sale is the new generation that allows you to open the door in a Toyota car without turning off the engine, and this is the link for details.
also is it just 85C ? Or the device can handle more ? Because the last time the temperature inside the cabin was measured under direct sunlight, it was 89C

(copy the link and paste it )

YOU CAN look in this image that day was 84C !!! AND dome day reaches 90+ . can the device handle this please ?

The tested operating range for an evo-one or evo-all is -40' to +85'C.

Best regards
Thanks again, but what do you mean by the 85+ ? Does it mean that it carries more than 85 or only up to this number?
This means Fortin tested the operating range between -40'C and +85'C and the unit was still able to function as intended under these conditions.
This is wonderful, and a final question please: If the temperature becomes much higher like 95C, will the device turn itself off for protection as modern mobile phones do, because I fear that it might explode with the high temperature
The product was tested and confirmed to work as inteded within those temperature ranges, below or above those temperatures, I cannot say.