Questions & Answers

2010 Sentra - Regular Key - Remote Start

+1 vote
I understand that I need the EVO-ONE and the THAR-ONE-NIS2 for ease of installation.  Will I be able to achieve remote start after installation of a compatible RF kit listed here
posté Avr 21, 2016 dans la catégorie Nissan par Ciso Penate (190 points)

1 Réponse

+3 votes
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evo-one + thar-one-nis2 + an RF-KIT will definitaly get this functional.

I would personally add the Flash-Link Udpater to this since it is a tool that you may need access to at the time of install to change firmware or options in the unit.

répondu Avr 21, 2016 par Robert T (299,950 points)
élue Avr 22, 2016 par derek g