Questions & Answers

Q40 Parking lights turn on intermittently on remote start

0 votes
I have the EVO-ALL with the T-harness installed on my Infiniti Q40 and G37S Coupe.  The options are set identically.  On the G37, when I remote start, my parking lights always turn on when I remote start the car.  This is not always true on my Q40.  More times than not, the parking lights do not come on at all.  Option A14 is currently off on both vehicles.  I tried turning this option on on the Q40 but there is no change on how (when) it works.  The only real difference between the two is the type of RF kit I have installed.  Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Edit:  Lights come on every time I remote start the car in the garage.  Not when I start it outside the garage and it's sunny and bright.  Lights switch is set to off for each of the tests.
asked Apr 10, 2021 in Infiniti by Luis Sanchez2 (950 points)
edited Apr 11, 2021 by Luis Sanchez2

1 Answer

0 votes
check the output from the evo going to the parking lights. Does it have power coming out when remote started?
answered Apr 12, 2021 by derek g (358,800 points)
I apologize for the delayed answer.

No output power when the car is remote started.
If there is no output, the next step would be to verify the relay is recieivng the ground from the evo to trigger.


Please not opening the harness may void its warranty, I would sugest getting in contact with the point of purhcase prior to any further diagrnostics to see how they would like you to proceed.