Questions & Answers

Security light flashing, intermittent no start when cold

0 votes
Installed a prostart CT-3271, 2 button 1 way remote start,  in a 2003 Chev Silverado 3500 tow truck, gasoline, automatic with a SL2-V2 bypass. Used wiring schematic #4. Installation about 3 months ago. Customer says when in colder temps (-30C -block heater plugged in) attemps to remote start, truck will start, run for a few seconds and shut off. He then goes to truck to try and manually start but security light is on and truck will not start and run. He then leaves the truck sit for 10 mins and starts with key and truck runs normally.  Now while driving on highway today at constant speed says security light will come on intermittently but truck runs normal otherwise. Any ideas? Thanks, Mike.
asked Mar 7, 2015 in Chevrolet by Micheal Unger (2,680 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
I would start by checking the timing on the ground out when running wire from the prostart, please check that the ground out sends a signal way before ignition in the vehicle comes on. if it comes on at almost the same time, I would try wiring the disarm wire and the ground out when running from the Prostart  together to the ground out when running wire of the SL2-V2.


I have noticed on some Prostarts, Autostarts that the ground out does not have a good headstart on the Ignition being powered on, so by wiring the disarm in, it will turn on the SL2-V2 ahead of the Ignition being powered on.
answered Mar 10, 2015 by J M (64,070 points)