Questions & Answers

Nissan Murano 2003 - Guide is incorrect

+1 vote
I know this is going way back, but I am doing a 2003 Murano today and noticed that your guide for it is incorrect. When you first pull up the 03 Murano from your list of vehicles, it says the EVO-ALL performs lock and unlock. Then, when you open the guide, it shows the wires from the remote start arm/disarm outputs controlling the lock/unlock.

Also, the picture you have listed for the BCM on the diagram is wrong.


Thank you,

posté Jan 19, 2014 dans la catégorie Nissan par Justin Loomis (280 points)

1 Réponse

+1 vote
Meilleure réponse
Thanks for the heads up.
répondu Jan 20, 2014 par Robert T (303,700 points)
élue Jan 20, 2014 par Justin Loomis