Questions & Answers

Evo-One J1850

0 votes

I got a evo-one from another car and wanted to use it on my 2003 Chrysler 300m. I say that it’s not supported so I bought an INT-SL+ but I didn’t know I had to plug in the lights and door lock wires with a relay and resistor to the evo-one. Is there a way to flash an evo-all firmware on the bypass portion of the evo-one to get the functionality? Because evo-all seems supported and I learned that it may work with firmware 74.22 but I can’t choose the car in the list.

posté Sept 12, 2024 dans la catégorie Chrysler par Nathan Lafrenière-Racine (190 points)
modifié Sept 12, 2024 par Nathan Lafrenière-Racine

1 Réponse

+1 vote

You could try flashing firmware 74.22 into the bypass of the evo one and then following the programming of the evo-all guide. No guarantee it will work but it would be worth a shot.

Set up the module and re select another vehicle such as a 2006 300. You will then have access to the 74.22 fw.


Best regards.
répondu Sept 12, 2024 par derek g (357,930 points)