Questions & Answers

Could 2013 Toyota Venza PTS install with Viper 5702 remote keyless entry have takeover option

0 votes

My Toyota Venza currently have OEM remote starter WITHOUT able to takeover. (i.e. when I unlock or open the car, the engine shut down)

Is there anyway to install a Fortin module so that I can use the OEM key (or an aftermarket remote starter such as Viper 5702) to start the car but CAN also takeover (i.e. the engine not shut down wihen I unlock or open the door)

Please advise


posté Dec 6, 2014 dans la catégorie Toyota par t p (300 points)

1 Réponse

+1 vote

Possible but the installation is 100% completely different. You will need to remove everything first and redo with the with-key-over procedure.

EVO-ALL & Toyota Venza - Smart-Key (2009-2011) with-key-takeover - Revision 20110506

répondu Dec 6, 2014 par Robert T (304,010 points)
Will Revision 20110506 work will 2013 and later model, or 2015 Lexus RX 350?
the revision is for 2009-2011 model year.  Would it work for 2013 model year of the Toyota Venza?

Do you by any chance know if this Revision 20110506 could function as a stand alone and can be wiring directly with the Viper Smart-Start, or do I need a remote starter and also the Smart-Start
You need a remote starter in that setup. Stand alone would also not be functional. The revision 20110506 should work with a 2013 since it's the same vehicle but was never tested since we do not do that type of isntallation anymore. The new install is much simpler and offers more features such as stand alone.

Thanks again for the support.

Would the OEM remote-starter bypass module has to be disconnected to program the EVO-ALL? (the car comes with the OEM remote starter)


Here is my next stupid question. Woud there be anyway to modify the wiring of the EVO-ALL Stand-Alone Revision 20141202 to do Key-Takeover?

For example, if I wire the 20-pin connector and the 6-pin connector as shown in page 2 of the Revision 20110506 then continue wiring the rest according to Revision 20141202, would that give me the takeover function?

You cannot mix 2 installation guides. It is one or the other.

The OEM starter in Toyota vehicles needs to be removed if you want to add any aftermarket starter. This is especially the case with the Stand Alone remote starter installation.
