Questions & Answers

Range of RF kits compared to other autostarter kits

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I have a customer looking to buy an auto starter for his 2015 Dodge ram.  He had a Viper autostart in his last truck with an advertised range of 1 mile.  Is that an accurate range for them?  Any other autostarter kit I check has a range of 3000ft max.  Is a Fortin FTX64-2W kit going to give a similar range as the Viper?  Is Viper just false advertising?  This customer does need a very long range for his application and I want to make sure that the evo-one with the FTX-64X will work before selling it to him.  His Viper kit did work for him just fine.
posté Oct 5, 2015 dans la catégorie Dodge par Jamie Chapeski (660 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes

The FTX65 is 3000-3500 feet but FCC approved and tested at 4000 feet.


I can't speak for DEI but one mile is most likely ideal conditions. Just like the FTX64 can reach 4000 feet in ideal conditions.


Remember that you can easily combine an EVO-ONE with any XL202 compatible DEI remotes.

répondu Oct 6, 2015 par Robert T (304,000 points)