Questions & Answers

Rear Defroster - Nissan Altima 2012 2.5

0 votes

Hi, I just installed EVO-NIST1 as per Installation Guide in my Nissan Altima 2012 (Push to Start - Auto transmission) for using my OEM Key Fob 3x to Remote Start and OEM Key Fob to Remote Shut Off.

Is it possible to switch on rear defroster /defrost when Remote Start ? if yes than where can I get the wiring connection diagram for Altima 2012 etc...

I'm using OEM Key Fob Only.



posté Jan 31, 2016 dans la catégorie Nissan par vohkus fire (160 points)
modifié Jan 31, 2016 par vohkus fire

2 Réponses

0 votes
not possible as far as I am aware when using the Evo-Nist1 and your oem remote unfortunately.
répondu Fev 1, 2016 par derek g (336,040 points)
0 votes
I asked the same question, evidently we need an EVO-one not an EVO-all
répondu Jan 5, 2019 par Gary McPherson (310 points)