Questions & Answers

doors lock right after commanded to unlock

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I installed a evo all with autostart command start. everything is connected correctly the only option i have set on the bypass module is C1 and F3 D2D communication. everything works as it should starting, lock, but the doors quickly lock after being commanded to unlock. Also when I disconect the bypass module from the vehicle it locks the doors.
posté Mai 16, 2018 dans la catégorie Ford par josh willcox (250 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
Was a diode used on the lock wire? If so what direction is the band facing?

Also if you meter the lock wire on the evo is it resting at ground?
répondu Mai 17, 2018 par derek g (357,480 points)
I have a 1 amp diode connected on the lock wire, the band is facing toward the EVO-ALL module. and yes the lock wire is reseting at ground
If you disconnect the white black from the vehicle and test just the wire itself when plugged into the evo does it still rest at ground?
sorry misread that part. I disconected the white/black wire from the vehicle wile still plugged into the EVO,  tested with a logic probe and there is no ground at rest, the red (power) LED lights up very dimly

"when I disconect the bypass module from the vehicle it locks the doors."

when you say this, do you mean if you disconnect power and ground it locks the doors? or when you completly disconnect it. 


It almost sounds like the module has a bad ground and is finding it through the lock wire....

when I unplug connector A from the EVO ALL module, the connector that has the lock and unlock wires on it, the doors lock. I will use another ground and retest
Okay I made a few changes, I have made sure I have a good ground for the module and have checked all other conections and splice points, all are okay. I have the recomended softwear version for the EVO-ALL 71.46, the options I have set on the EVO-ALL are C1, D2 and F3. The vehicle remote starts as it should, I have D2 set so it unlocks and relocks after remote starting(otherwise the vehicle unlocks after remote starting then relocks when it is commanded to shut down via command start fob) the unlock and lock function through the command start fob work as they should after the vehicle has been started with the remote start, the only problem I have is the unlock function unlocks then relocks a second after when it is not remote started. hope this helps clear somthings up/pinpoint the problem
Is the vehicle equipped with a factory alarm? If not simply connect the lock and unlock from the RS to the vehicle and eliminate the evo lock/unlock wires.
the vehicle does have factory alarm
another option would be to set your remote starter to pulse ign and ground out at unlock and just hook up the remote starter wires for lock unlock to the vehicles lock unlock wires.