Questions & Answers

Program FirsTech RF Kit with Evo-One

0 votes

I am trying to use an Evo-One with my 2010 Mazda 6 (standard key) with a Compustar G15 (1-way) RF Kit.

I flashed the Evo-One with 71.44 Bypass Firmware and 1.25 Remote Starter Firmware. I used the suggested options. Under unit options, I change the RF Kits Compatiable option to FirsTech. I've wired up the Evo-One as the Mazda 6 2010 Standard Key guide shows. I did the 2-key programming but I did not get a response at the end. The LED stayed red and no features work on the remote. I realized that I should proabably program the remote first but I don't know how. The Quick Instalation Guide has a RF-Kit Guide # of 19941 listed. When I searched for that on the website, I get a 404 error.

What should I do?

asked Oct 28, 2021 in Mazda by Brandon Deason (130 points)
edited Oct 28, 2021 by Brandon Deason

2 Answers

+1 vote
I have installed Firstech (Compustar) RF kits with the evo one a couple times now. I have installed the G15 with both 1000 ft and 3000 ft ranges. The one I just installed had issues programming. The module would start the car with the factory fob with 3x, but couldn't get the remotes to program.


Here is what I got to work: I had to flash to firmware 1.24, because firmware 1.25 gave me no response when trying to program the remotes. Additionally, I programmed the remotes using Mode 1.


Let me know if you have any questions.
answered Nov 3, 2021 by Mike Danley (170 points)
0 votes
What is the S/N to the module?

What step in the programming does not function?


Fortin does not support evo-one with compustar rf kits. They have not been listed on the website as compatible for quite some time now. Also, if you did not re pin the antenna cable prior to plugging it into the evo one you would have burned the antenna.
answered Oct 28, 2021 by derek g (336,040 points)