Questions & Answers

Unable to program Evo-start 2 with the Evo One

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I've installed the Evo-One with T Harness and works fine with the factory fob on my 2018 Mazda CX-5 PTS. Flashed the module to include the Evo-start 2 rf kit as well but whenever I try to program the Evo Start 2 antenna i'm unable to as the vehicle doesnt display any information nor start whenever the app is used.

When "Start Engine" is clicked from the app the antenna flashes green and then amber but the vehicle doesnt start. I tried reprogramming the antenna over and over as well as reflashing the module from scratch but yet nothing works.
asked Nov 2, 2021 in Mazda by Mark Permaul (130 points)

1 Answer

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The amber flash after the green flash means that the antenna was never paired to the EVO-ONE correctly.


Page 6 of this instalation guide has the proper pairing method.

-- ignition ON-OFF-ON

-- Press and Release the Brakes 4 times

-- Antenna will start to flash rapidly blue

-- Press and Hold antenna button until the LED turns Green. Release as soon as it turns green

-- Turn Ignition Off



make sure to press unlock on the oem remote to ensure that the evo-one is disarmed before attempting to pair the evo-start.
answered Nov 2, 2021 by Robert T (304,010 points)
Got the evo-start 2 to work but it unlocks the doors whenever it starts and the app cant lock it back. It only works to start and stop the engine and the aux settings are disabled.