Questions & Answers

Radio noise now that EVO is installed

+1 vote
I have everything wired and working properly but I noticed this morning now that I have radio noise every few minutes. I was at a stop sign, volume turned down and I hear interference noises as if my cell phoen is interfering (even though it is not the phone). This just started happening after I installed the EVO all in my Maxima (2013)

any ideas?

I hooked up the following

brake pedal, key port and OBDII harness and rand the white/black wire to the brown wire of my push button start. Programmed everything so it works perfect, Just have this buzz/interference in radio now
asked Jun 5, 2015 in Nissan by brian chiaino (230 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
It's possible that the radio antenna was pinched, or an OEM ground wire was left disconnected (or broken) during the installation of the EVO-ALL. Either of these scnarios would cause the symptoms you're experiencing with the radio.
answered Jun 5, 2015 by Darren Satkunas (1,990 points)
0 votes
There is no RF signals emitted by the EVO-ALL....
answered Jun 5, 2015 by Robert T (299,650 points)
where does that cable go into then? I dont see that anywhere in the instructions, sorry
It's the connection labeled as (-) Driver Door Pin; Pin A15 on the EVO-ALL.

You'll be connecting it to the (-)Driver Door signal at the BCM. Vehicle wire is Light Blue.
thank you so much! i will be working on all this in a few hours. you guys are awesome, great support
No problem Brian, that's what we're here for!
worked perfect, the BCM was a pain to get to, its behnd the speedometer cluster and mounted upside down, but all should be good now.. I let it run for 15 minutes with everything on, parking lights came on as they should and after 15 minutes everything outside and inside shut down


thanks again!