Questions & Answers

Can I use a dual stage proximity sensor with the EVO ONE?

+1 vote
I have an EVO ONE installed in my 2010 Audi S5 and have successfully used it as a remote start and an alarm for some time now.  SInce it is a convertible, I decided I would like to add a proximity sensor.  I purchased an Omega AU-94TM dual zone radar sensor.  I have hooked up the 12V and the ground to the 3-pin connector on the EVO ONE.  And I have hooked up the external trigger to the middle wire on the EVO ONE 3-pin connector.  However, I can't seem to the proximity sensor to trigger the EVO ONE alarm even with the settings on the sensor set to maximum sensitivity.  Do I need to hook both the internal and external proximity sensors up to the EVO ONE 3-pin middle wire (with diodes to prevent feedback) for the dual stage sensor ro trigger an alarm?
asked Aug 10, 2015 in FAQ by Sean ONeill (290 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
You may need diodes to isolate the signals; it would be more of a feedback protection for the Omega AU-94TM. Dual stage works with pulse length, short pulse is normally a warn away trigger while a longer pulse full trigger. The middle pin of the shock sensor input is what you should be connected to for dual stage trigger.

NOTE: If you have option 38-3 enabled, trigger input on the middle pin of the shock sensor port is canceled and used for other purposes, so make sure option 38-3 is not enabled. I doubt this is the case though because if it were, you would have mentionned that your vehicle tries to remote start when you trigger the proximity sensor :)
answered Aug 10, 2015 by Robert T (299,950 points)

However, I can't seem to the proximity sensor to trigger the EVO ONE alarm even with the settings on the sensor set to maximum sensitivity.

Can you try to manually trigger the Evo-1? Disconnect the shock sensor for now. Arm the system, wait 1-2 minutes, then just touch the middle pin of the shock sensor connector (going into the Evo-1) to ground to see if you can trigger the Evo's alarm system. This test will tell us if the actual shock sensor input is working properly.

I have connected both proxmity tiggers to the EVO ONE (with diodes for protection).  I continue to measure a negative signal being thrown from the proximity sensor when triggered.  But the EVO ONE will still not alarm.  So I took the advice to try arming the system and then grounding the middle pin on the EVO ONE 3-pin connector directly.  After arming and waiting a few minutes, nothing happens when I ground the middle pin.  Any further suggestions for trouble-shooting?


Thank you - Sean
Please post your service number (on the bottom of the unit) so we can look over the options in your unit to figure out why we are not getting the Evo to alarm.


The alarm part of the Evo-1 is also not ON by default, you need to turn it on, which we will be able to see one we have your service number.


Thank you
My unit's service number is 002B01 007585
thanks, options seem fine


If you meter the middle of the shock sensor, how many volts are present while the system is armed and also while the system is disarmed?

If you lock your doors while a door is opened, how many times does the horn honk?
I get the same results on the trigger (middle) wire on both ends (sensor and EVO ONE)...  And the voltage readings are the same whether the system is armed or disarmed.  Readings are about 1.5-1.7V when no motion is detected and it briefly drops down to 0.1-0.5V when motion is detected (and then back to 1.5-1.7V).  As I said, it doesn't seem to matter if the unit is armed or disarmed - the above readings for motion and no motion respectively.

One thing that seems odd to me is that the 12V+ feed from the EVO ONE to the sensor is always hot, whether the system is armed or disarmed.  Is that a normal?

Lastly, when I try to arm the system or lock the doors, while a door is open (your question above), the horn does NOT honk at all.  Of course when I arm is with the door closed, it does honk once.


Voltage test sounds good, this is the same thing i get on my unit here. The 12V feed is supposed to be constant.

Lastly, when I try to arm the system or lock the doors, while a door is open (your question above), the horn does NOT honk at all.  Of course when I arm is with the door closed, it does honk once.

If you lock the doors with the door open, you're supposed to get 3 horn honks or 3 parking light flashes. Besides for this being an indicator that a zone is open, it's also an indicator that the alarm feature is enabled.


I have a feeling that the alarm feature is simply not enabled. Your service number is showing that the alarm feature is indeed enabled but if a master reset was done after setting the options, we do not get an update of the option status until the unit is plugged back into the Flash-Link and options tab is opened. (master reset would reset that option back to default)

Thank you for your continued efforts to help me trouble shoot.  I believe you are correct in that the alarm function does not seem to working.  This is in spite of the alarm being turned on in the remote start option that allows me to select whether the alarm or remote start are "on".  In my case it shows both being enabled when I look at the options via FlashLink.  However, in spite of the alarm being "on" in the settings, it does not act like the alarm is working (i.e., does not chirp 3 times when arming with a door open, proximty sensor does not set-off alarm and starter-kill is not preventing starting the vehicle manually when the alarm supposedly has been activated by me via the remote).  Having said this, the remote start works fine, as do locking, unlocking, opening the trunk, arming/disarming the OEM alarm (via lock and unlock on my 2way remote).  Is there a setting, or something unique about my 2010 Audi S5 that could be causing the EVO-ONE alarm function to not work?  Could I be tapping into the CAN-BUS in the wrong place in the drvier side footwell? Something else?  I am truly scratching my head at this point.

Thank you.  - Sean

Somethings up and i doubt it has anything to do with connections. We control door locks, and read brake status through Can-Bus so i doubt the issue is there if you have functional door locks. Also note that on this car we should be able to detect the OEM remote through Can-Bus; so if you see the blue led flash when you press lock or unlock on the OEM remote, then technically it's the right Can-Bus.  The only real way to know though is with the TEST-ONE. This little dongle is a troubleshooting tool that allows you to see if the module is actually detecting vehicle statuses through Can-Bus (i.e Door Status).


If it was a bug in the firmware, it would do it on ALL the installs including the ones installed in our cars over here; so i doubt the issue is firmware related.


Is your system in valet mode by any chance? Is the remote starter working (i know you said yes, but have you checked recently)? If the remote starter and the alarm are not working, chances are it's  just in valet. Just try this anyway, Turn ignition On then press the valet button 3 times.


If you enable option C1 in the bypass options and also 38.4 in the remote starter options, this will allow you to control the EVO-ONE alarm via the OEM remote lock/unlock buttons. I am only mentionning this because i am curious too know if the evo-one arms/disarms properly when using the OEM remote.


I noticed you have option 15 enabled. does that feature work? Does the car relock the doors after 30seconds if you unlocked them but never opened a door?


Do those tests above and let me know. The only time i have ever seen an alarm not work is when the unit is in valet mode, so i am stumped at the moment.

At this point, you can also just start from scratch by doing a master reset to the remote starter and also a master reset to the bypass.


Master reset remote starter is easy.

  1. Turn ignition on
  2. Press hold valet button until LED on the back of the unit starts to flash.
  3. Press valet button 23 times.
  4. Press and release the brake.
  5. Press Lock on your remote (if its a Fortin remote).
  6. Turn ignition OFF
  7. Remote starter options are now reset back to default.


Master reset bypass is also easy.

  1. Disconnect the unit.
  2. Hold down the programming button
  3. Plug in power, LEDs on the top will alternate
  4. Let go of programming button when the LED is RED
  5. Press and Hold programming button until LEDs start to alternate again.
  6. Bypass portion is now reset (you need to reprogram the unit to the vehicle after this)


After doing both those resets, you will need to go back and program the unit to the vehicle as per installation guide. Any options that you enabled will have to re-enabled.

I would suggest simply calling Tech Support. Ask for myself or Rico. Please have the vehicle with you if you do call and have access to the Flash-Link.  I have a feeling it's something super simple that we're just overlooking.


Most importantly... the horn/siren output on the 20-pin connector needs to be connected if you want confirmations.
Thank Robert.  I will do the things above to see if it fixes my issue.  One immediate question...  You mention connecting the horn/siren output.  The instructions for the Audi S5 seemed to imply that nothing needed to be connected for the horn to sound - I assumed it controlled the horn through the CAN-BUS or something.  Is this not the case?

Horn is not controlled through Can-Bus. The installaiton guide covers basic connections required for remote start, it does not include alarm connections for the horn.

I think we found your problem. You need to connect the horn output.

In addition to my horn question above (i.e., please don't miss it)...

I did everything suggested above.  I put vehicle into and out of valet mode to make sure something weird wasn't going on there.  The vehicle remote started after this, so I assume it was out of valet for the rest of my tests (plus the red light on the unit was not solid, like it is when it is in valet mode).

I made sure both the OEM remote options you mentioned above were enabled.  After doing this, using the OEM remote did not provide any different results than before (i.e., the system still did not chirp at me when I left the door open and locked/armed it, and the proximity sensor still did not alarm in any way).

I also tried the 30 second rearm function and it did work as designed (i.e., disarmed/unlocked, waited about 30 seconds and doors relocked.

I was able to do the remote start master reset.  However, when I tried to do the bypass master reset....  I pressed/held the valet switch for well over a minute after turning on the ignition and it never seemed to go into programming mode (no parking light flash or light on the EVO-ONE lighting up in any way).  So I was not able to do the bypass reset.

Note that I have noticed that the parking lights do not come on after remote start is successful, which I would have expected.  Another item of note...  After remote starting the vehicle, it does shut down, if I don't press the unlock button on the fortin remote before opening the door, which is as I would expect.  Sorry about all these observations - I am just hoping that something will reveal a thread regarding what is wrong.

If after this exchange of messages I/we don't come up with something, I will call into your support line and ask for you, while I have the vehicle, Flashlink, etc. all at hand.  Thank you again.

I just saw your lastest reply...  I will go ahead and add a horn/siren,  On a more general note...  Is there a guide for doing the alarm install side of things that I missed?  If so, where can I find it.  Thanks!

The horn wire on the car is GRAY/YELLOW, located VESCM under driver dash, black 32 pin plug, pin 29. This is a (+) trigger.


Since the vehicle horn trigger is a Positive signal you will need to convert the Negative horn output on the EVO-ONE to a Positive signal using a relay.



Besides for the quick install guide that came in the box with the EVO-ONE, there's no vehicle specific install guide for alarms, only remote starting.

Note that I have noticed that the parking lights do not come on after remote start is successful, which I would have expected.

Just like the horn, parking lights need to be connected. A lot of techs do not bother connecting parking lights on a lot of Audi/VW vehicles because it's more a pain than anything else.

However, when I tried to do the bypass master reset....  I pressed/held the valet switch for well over a minute after turning on the ignition and it never seemed to go into programming mode (no parking light flash or light on the EVO-ONE lighting up in any way).  So I was not able to do the bypass reset.

This ones easy. If the last command you sent was LOCK, then the module is technically ARMED and will not allow you to enter programming until it's disarmed.


Anyway, I think once you get that horn or siren connected, everything should fall into place. No need for all those tests and resets I wrote earlier.


One (hopefully) last question...  In the 2010 Audi S5, where is the connector for the horn's gray/yellow wire located?  I have looked everywhere under the driver's side of the dash and tested a few wires, but none seem to be the horn wire.  Is it on the footwell side?  Is it under the steering column cover?  Somewhere else?  Thanks!
I think the VESCM is part of or in back of that relay pack on the left side under the dash. Not sure though.

You can also just install an aftermarket siren instead of using the factory horn.
From what I can find online, the VESCM is the big black relay box on the driver's side underdash location. you should be looking for a black 32 pin connector with a gray/yellow on pin 29.
Ah, success. Hooking up the horn with a relay did the trick. Sounds 3 times when door is open and I try to arm it. And proximity sensor is responding as I would expect. Thanks for hanging in there with me. Your tech support is excellent!