Questions & Answers

How to know EVO ONE hardware and firmeware version

0 votes

I am out of USA and Canada, so I should buy it from ebay like with flash updator. The question is  how I know the hardware version and firmware of EVO ONE. Can they updated? Please.

asked Dec 26, 2015 in FAQ by Tager Tower (3,480 points)

1 Answer

+4 votes
Best answer
The version out of the factory is printed on the module. If you want to update, you will need the flashlink updater 2.
answered Dec 26, 2015 by Tager Tower (85,210 points)
selected Dec 26, 2015 by Tager Tower

Thank you Sir,

I mean at the store (before buying it).

can I buy it  whatever hardware 1,2,3,5 or 7 and then update it  by flash updaror.

you cannot update hardware.

You can only update firmware.

If a guide says hardware 6 minimum and you buy one with hardware 3 it is no good, it cant be updated.

Thank you Sir, I am grateful.
