Questions & Answers

After decrypt my check engine and airbag light is on.

0 votes
All wires are hooked up right the remote start and oem alarm works great. I have done different options multiple times to no avail. Everything else works good just check engine and airbag lights are on. I have the fortin evo all. Car is a 2014 Fiat 500L
asked Apr 29, 2019 in Fiat by Ryan Kittinger (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Is the check engine light on when you start the car normally with the key?


Do the codes go away if you unplug the can bus connector on the evo?
answered Apr 30, 2019 by derek g (358,230 points)
Hi Derek, thank you for the help, the codes are there if I remote start it or start it regularly. Also when I remote start it and unlock my door it says to check my transmission then the light goes away for that one but the check engine and airbag one stays. I also tried disconnecting everything from the bus connector on the evo and the check engine light went away but the airbag light stayed on. When I reconnected it, the check engine light went back on. I checked all wiring, connections, checked for any loose wiring, etc. I am stumped..
Did you perform the key release connection?