Questions & Answers

What is the best firmware for Camry 2011?

0 votes
I have a Toyota Camry 2011 with keyless entry with a standard key. The driver door didn't stay lock after remote start activated. after updated the firmware, the driver door stays locked; however, the alarm goes off everytime remote start actived (3x LOCK) and not able to cancel remote start with 3x LOCK. Please help me with this issue. my remote start is EVO-ONE and SN:002B04 147175 with T- Harness
asked Feb 28, 2021 in Toyota by Chansopheak Loek (180 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
-Check option D2 to unlock before and lock after remote start

-try downgrading your firmware  79.41
answered Feb 28, 2021 by Haidar Jabbar (22,390 points)
edited Feb 28, 2021 by Haidar Jabbar
Thank you! I will let try it and let u know.
I just tried to downgrade to 79.41, and my remote start is not working. I noticed the EVO-One unit was on Orange light when I turned the ignition on. Is that normal or something wrong? Do you have any suggestions? Thank you so much helping me dealing with this :(
now I'm stuck on 79.59 firmware. I have reached to flash limit :(. my car is cranking, but won't start. Please help me. I'm not sure is there a setting that I need to check on remote starter tab. Any helps would be appreciated!
+1 vote

Your module was reset on our end to allow more flashing.


Ideally, RESET the module, re-enable the options listed below, then reprogram the module to the vehicle.

  • Firmware 79.59
  • Enable option C1, D2, D5
  • Turn off option A11
  • Dont change anything else.


I would suggest contacting the place of purchase, Warmcarnow/Pluginstarters, if it still fails afterwards. Fortin does not list 3xlock as even being available on the 2011 Camry REGULAR Key. G-Key is OK but not the none G-Key models. 

answered Mar 2, 2021 by Robert T (299,950 points)
everything is working now except my driver door keeps unlock itself after remote start activated 1 minute. I'm trying to search for the solution of that, but no luck yet. Please help me.
Everything is working perfect now. I downgraded it to 79.41, and stop messing with remote start tab. Thank you for reset the module for me. so happy after 6hours of doing this, now it works as it supposes to be. :)
Glad it is up and running!
Hi Rob,

I just found out another problem. I thought everything went smooth. today I turned the ignition off, locked the door, and walked away. When I came back, I saw the engine was running. I was not sure the car running with ignition off when I left or remote start activated by itself when I left; however, I tried to turn on and off the ignition a few times, and the car shut off properly. so I assumed the remote start activated by itself.I  don't know why I keep having problems with Fortin remote start. I bought EVO-ONE, RFK942, and Flashlink update.I'm so furstrated. Please help me.

Thank you!