Questions & Answers

trouble starting 2012 corolla

+1 vote
we have a 2012 corolla no problems until now. car is still under toyota care 2 yr 25000 mile warranty. i moved the car saturday around 11 am and it was fine. when we started to go to church sunday at 9 am the corolla cranked but would not start. when we got home i tried it again with same result . then i tried the valet key thinking the transponder could be defective in the regular key . again it cranked a few time but did finally start . it ran rough for a couple minutes then smoothed out. i turned it off and it started normally then. however there was a strong smell of gas. what could be the problem? i guess i should taek it in to get checked but not sure they will find anythign now if the problem was temporary. i am disabled with one foot amputated and cannot break down and have to walk any distance.
asked Jan 19, 2014 in Toyota by jim

1 Answer

0 votes
Hi Jim,


Take your vehicle to the dealer.
answered Jan 20, 2014 by Robert T (299,950 points)