Questions & Answers

2014 Nissan Armada with EVO-ONE hatch will not open.

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Using an EVO-ONE with the NIS2 T harness. When I remote start with the FTX64-2W only the driver door will unlock with the remote and the hatch will not open with the OEM remote or the Fortin. When I get in an turn the ignition on, the hatch will start to open. I also noticed that the radio is not on when I remote start.
asked Dec 28, 2015 in Nissan by Sean Myers (160 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
For your doorlocks as the guide states you need to set the unlock to a double pulse for it to unlock properly.

As for your trunk open question could you please provide me with the 12 digit service number on the back of the module.

Some vehicles the radio is not powered during remote start.
answered Dec 29, 2015 by derek g (357,480 points)
Just FYI, I have the same senario i my 2014 Armada /Smart key.  Hatch does not open from remote during remote start.  Shut off remote start . All works fine.  I have not sat down to diagnose.  Just chimed in to help the idea that it is not a problem wit the module.  Using oem remotes only.  3x lock....
According to wirecolor the second accessory wire (purple in the Armada) needs to be powered up or it the lift gate will not work. Not sure how to get the EVO-ONE to give me this output.

EDIT: Looks like I will need to add 2 relays for the 2 accessory wires.

The 2 relays worked, can now use the lift gate while remote started.

2 additional problems that I can't seem to solve:

  1. The Dark Blue GWR that is suppose to trigger a door open signal after start is always grounded from the EVO-ONE. When I start and drive normally, the Armada thinks the door is open. I removed the connector and confirmed it is showing ground at the EVO-ONE. Confirm that Function 32 mode 3 is programmed. I had to disconnect it for now.
  2. The EVO-ONE does not see the OEM unlock command. The blue light blinks for lock, but not for unlock. So if you try to use the unlock on the OEM remote after remote start and open the door, it shuts down. Confirmed that Function 37 mode 1 is programmed.

Service No: 002B03 043756
