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will not remote start, displays "no key" on inst cluster

0 votes
Installing an Austostart as-2471 with evo-nist1 in D2D into a 2013 Nissan Murano PTS. Loaded latest software version. Seemed to program well.  When trying to remote start the instrument cluster will display "no key" and will not power up dash or crank.  If i have the key inside the vehicle it will remote start properly.  If I enable options C1 and D1 the vehicle will remote start when pushing the factory lock 3x - when key is not in vehicle.  I had to turn off the hood switch input in options as it thought hood was always open.  Locks work great. Blue light on evo flashes every lock press, red light comes on when trying to remote start. tried grounding blue wire for gwr with no change. Using guide#22271 D2D. i am using red "RL1" connector on evo. I have gwr, tach, and brake hardwired from evo to remote starter. PTS white/blk wire shows battery voltage when at rest and "0" when PTS start button pressed. Please help...
asked Sep 24, 2016 in Nissan by Micheal Unger (2,680 points)
edited Sep 27, 2016 by Micheal Unger

2 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer
If the vehicle starts fine in standalone (3xlock, with C1 and D1 enabled) then you issue is definitely datalink related.


it would seem that the autostart is not sending the GWR data signal at the right moment, please verify that the evo's datalink cable is plugged into the red expressbypasskit port on the Autostart and that the RS unit is in D2D.


if testing with the GWR wire, ground this wire about 2 seconds before initiating remote start with the autostart remote. On this particular vehicle, if you wish to see if you can start it via the analog wires, then ground the GWR and then touch the RED/BLUE wire in the 20 pin connector to 12v for a few seconds, this is the "Crank/Starter"  wire.


Thank you
answered Sep 26, 2016 by J M (64,120 points)
selected Sep 29, 2016 by Robert T
Thanks for the reply.  Yes The D2D cable is plugged into the red "xpresskit" port on the remote start and is set for xpresskit/D2D in options.  I have tried connecting the start output from the autostart to the red/blue wire on Evo, no change. I do have the GWR wire from evo hardwired to the remote start gwr and have also tried grounding it with no success. I have tried a different autostart module and a different evo-all with no success. I have heard of some Nissan vehicles requiring additional diodes on the negative ignition wires preventing a feedback issue, sound plausible?
if you wish to test via the analog wires (dark blue and red blue) the evo cannot be in standalone mode, you will need to turn off D1 before connecting the dark blue to ground (red led should light up on evo) and then touch the red/blue (crank/starter input) to a 12v source to crank the vehicle over.

The fact that the vehicle starts in standalone confirms that the evo has no issues starting the vehicle on it's own.

Autostart/Dei units are known to us to have very odd timings, One other thing you can try is to put the autostart in the "idatalink" protocol and put the evo in F2 (AP/OFA) protocol and test again.
Do not connect the GWR in this install. With the required option B2 enabled, that GWR input on the EVO is not a GWR, it's a hood shut down inout. Connecting a remote starter GWR will just just down the start sequenece every time yoou go to start :D
THANK YOU ROBERT!!! I removed the GWR, works perfect... owe you big time.
Excellent! it's that B2 option. It changes everything
0 votes
First things to check:

1- did the module program correctly? Verify that the in vehicle programming went exactly as shown in the installation guide.

2- Do the brake lights turn on when remote starting?? They should you made a connection to the brake switch.

3- Try putting the evo in stand alone and remote start the vehicle, if the vehicle starts you have an issue with your remote starter.
answered Sep 26, 2016 by derek g (358,230 points)
Thanks for the reply, yes, programmed correctly, brake lights come on when vehicle is attempting start. With options  C1 and D1 enabled in the evo the vehicle will 3x lock start. I have tried a different remote start module and evo-al with no success.