Questions & Answers

lock/unlock wires in frontier door panel

+1 vote
What is the difference between the door lock lock/arm and unlock unlock/disarm wires.  I found the lock and unlock wires in my 2105 Frontier, but can locate the lock/arm, unlock/disarm wires.  Can I just use those the ones I found for the EVO-One connection.  The lock was purple and the unlock was light green, as it's show in the wirecolor printout.
asked Feb 3, 2018 in Nissan by sal desimone (530 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
lock and unlock will NOT control the factory alarm (if equiped), lock/arm & unlock/dis arm WILL control the factory alarm (if equipped).
answered Feb 5, 2018 by derek g (336,040 points)
selected Feb 6, 2018 by Robert T
Thanks. I figured out my problem. I had the door open when checking the wiring so the alarm wouldn't trigger. Holding in the door pin and checking gave me the right readings.