Questions & Answers

2011 Genesis Coupe, No 3x Lock to Start Evo-All

0 votes
I have an Evo-All installed with a Viper Smart Start module and im having issues getting the OEM 3x Lock to start to function. The evo will remote start via the smart start app and the unlock/lock seems to function fine there, but no matter what i do i can't get the 3x lock to start working. The blue led only lights up on the fortin when the unlock is pressed but never for the lock. Any ideas what could be causing this?
asked Dec 9, 2019 in Hyundai by Saffeon Salter (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
What is the service number or S/N to the module?
answered Dec 10, 2019 by derek g (358,230 points)
Service #001A06 746440

Edit: upon further inspection. The blue light flashes when sending the lock signal through the smart start app. However it doesn't give the status saying it was successful. That only works with the trunk but not the lock/unlock