Questions & Answers

evo start 2 Status not updating (need support)

0 votes
hi i installed evo start 2 with evo one on honda crv, using Hon2 Tharness

evo start 2 working , i can start car , lock and unlock

but issue is i never recive command success on phone

only 50 out of 5 times it show command success,

and only sometimes its show status like battery , lock ,  Temp, i have to refresh like 50 times

i allready connected  evo start 2 yellow wire to pink igntion main wire going into evo one

i need support on this , i live in gta and map showing coverage here

posté Jan 10, 2021 dans la catégorie Honda par jatinder girn (160 points)

3 Réponses

0 votes
Make sure you have background app refresh turned on in the phone for the evo-start2 app.
répondu Jan 11, 2021 par derek g (357,630 points)
0 votes
From my experience in that area, the confirmation sometimes take time. It is a 2 way channel if you are patient. when you see evo start 2 running wierd kill the app and start it again. Also, do not click on comand one after each other give like a 2 seconds atleast between commands.
répondu Jan 13, 2021 par Haidar Jabbar (22,390 points)
0 votes
My remote starter was working really well until a recent upgrade of the iOS.

The remote start works, but the app no longer receives the ack. Meaning you don't know if it started, the car temp. I can see the make and model, the weather but no answer back from the unit. The vehicule still starts, so com works only one way.

I've looked, background, celluar data, everything is activated for the app.

Running iOS 15.3.1
répondu Avr 4, 2022 par Patrice Laramee (150 points)