Questions & Answers

Will this work with a 2013 Nissa Versa with Manual Transmission?

0 votes
Will this work with a 2013 Nissan Versa with a standard transmission? I noticed that most of your instruction sheets have a section for compatible vehicles that have a manual/standard transmission but I do not see that with this vehicle. Regular Key start.
posté Dec 3, 2021 dans la catégorie Nissan par CSS Tech (130 points)
modifié Dec 5, 2021 par CSS Tech

1 Réponse

0 votes
Is the vehicle key start or push button start?
répondu Dec 3, 2021 par derek g (357,630 points)
Regular key start.
For that vehicle you would need the following parts for remote start:


1- evo-one

2- thar-one-nis5

3- rf kit

4- flash link updater


Being manual transmission installation by a qualified technician is strongly recommended.
Thank you. I just wasn't sure if this was officially confirmed by the factory to be "manual transmission compatible". What I found odd was that Fortin provides explicit instructions for manual transmission installations for certain cars (like my Corolla) yet does not mention anything regarding it's compatibility with a Nissan Vera in the installation instruction sheets.