Questions & Answers

Toyota Highlander Hybrid engine does not turn on when remote started (for heater)

+1 vote
I bought the remote start to allow the temperature to correct (A/C or heater) prior to getting in as I think most people buy it for. I got everything installed and programmed but when the vehicle turns on, its as if it stays in hybrid mode (or accessory, I can`t tell) and the motor doesn`t engage to allow the vehicle to heat up. If I start the vehicle normally, the motor comes on right away. Everything else works fine. I even tried leaving it for a while to see if it would finally engage but it didn`t.
posté Dec 11, 2013 dans la catégorie Toyota par Sean Richardson (480 points)

2 Réponses

+1 vote
Meilleure réponse
If the engine is not turning on, the Ready Mode indicator should be on if the vehicle is actually started. Is the ready mode light on at all?
répondu Dec 11, 2013 par Robert T (299,950 points)
élue Dec 13, 2013 par Sean Richardson
Amazing! yes, it was extremely helpful and answers my questions perfectly.

I will copy and paste my last question along with your answer into an email to my provider who promised to mail me the flash-link and return postage so I could do the update and return it to them if that seemed to be the only answer.

I again really appreciate all of your help and time answering my questions. Although I'm not a professional installer, I was an appretice electrician (wiring knowledge) and studied the installation manual carefully and found it technically very easy to install, just a little difficult to reach the wires. That's the reason for doing it myself (and the $$ saved).

What a great company!

Glad it helped!

If you're having troubles and/or concerns when trying to flash the unit, try reaching us here or by phone while you still have the Flash-Link. It's never a bother.


Keep us posted and happy holidays!
Upadated this morning, still only goes to accessory... I tried the programming sequence again, just in case (solid blue LED, flashing, etc...) althought I didn`t reset it first (don`t know how). I am not sure if that would make a difference. Even before trying to reprogram it, the remote start still turned it on to accessory, I just can`t get it to crank the engine (turn on the vehicle).

Starting to get pretty frustrated with this!
Ignition 1 vs. Ignition 2
On Tech support's suggestion, I downgraded from firmware 79.10 to 79.09 after doing a master reset and re-enabling options 12, 15 and 18. STILL no luck. Vehicle turns on as if I pushed the push-to-start button twice without my foot on the brake (accessory mode I believe). No "Ready" light on, no engine running in cold weather to generate heat from the climate controls, only power drain.

I have disconnected all of my connections and re-did them. I have ordered a flash-link from Langlois Audio in Ottawa, and I am going to exchange my Evo-All unit just to be safe.

I noticed a lack of response from Fortin on some of my previous attempts to contact you and I'm now feeling quite alone. When I call, I am told it can only be my firmware, ignition connection or steering wheel lock connection but I have relentlessly checked these after each call with a solid connection after each check. My CAN Bus connections seem fine as I can program the unit fine.

What is going on?

You competitor has a PTS connection made at the start button which you don't have. Is this what I'm missing? I doubt it but I am running out of options to try.
+2 votes
Are you leaving the climate controls on when parking the car?
répondu Dec 11, 2013 par chrisluongo (400 points)
I leave it on "Auto". As mentioned, using the remote start does not engage the motor and therefor the blowers don't turn on. When manually starting it, the motor comes on immediately as do the blowers.

As I had to jump start the truck today, I now know that the starter is only turning the vehicle on to accessory.