Questions & Answers

06' Jeep Commander using an EVO-CHRT5 starter overcrank issue

0 votes
My evo-chrt5 is flashed with 74.39 firmware version. It remote start fine it just grinds the starter for a second after it starts. My 06' commander has a 5.7l hemi. If you start it with the key it doesn't grind the starter. Is there a firmware update that will fix this?
posté Jan 27, 2021 dans la catégorie Jeep par manuel mason (130 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
You can try firmware 0.27. It has a fixed 4 second crank.
répondu Jan 28, 2021 par derek g (347,230 points)
I will try this and let you know thanks so much
Did it work ?