Questions & Answers

Evo one does not enter program mode to program telematics unit.

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2020 rdx push to start. Nothing happens after holding the button for 5 sec with ignition on.
posté Oct 12, 2021 dans la catégorie Acura par Yuvrajh Singh (210 points)

1 Réponse

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Make sure you press unlock on the oem remote before trying to program the rf kit.


Also, be sure to hold the valet button after the ignition has been switched on. 


The red led unerneath the yellow loop will begin to flash once it enters programming. 

répondu Oct 12, 2021 par derek g (347,230 points)
Did exactly that and with no luck. The only way that red light comes on is if its eing held down as i switch the ignition to the on position.
Perhaps try you tried the other method of ignition on-off-on, 4x on brake. Be sure to press unlock before trying.


Also re flash the 1.25 into the remote starter.
Thanks i will try that
This method actually works thank you very much.
Glad you got it going.


Best Regards.