Questions & Answers

5 brake flashes anything besides hood?

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Have the same 5 brake lights, red light on module both flashing 5 times when trying to start using both 3x lock and car link app, replaced hood pin, re flashed, re programmed module and telescamatics, set to Fortin 2, don’t believe I’ve turned opt 11off but i shouldn’t have to skirting safety devices seems like something an amateur would do, get his necktie caught in the belts while checking the oil and pocket starts the vehicle…..whatever, new system self installed worked until it didn’t, any ideas? Would be very appreciated!
asked 2 days ago in Ford by Jeremy Park2 (560 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

What is the S/N to the unit? (located on the back of the module).

Thank you.
answered 7 hours ago by derek g (330,630 points)