Questions & Answers

Step 11 key programing

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2016 audi a3  push to start evo all serial number: 001A07 016953

I flashed the correct software on to unit with the flashlink. I get to step 11 of key bypass-program with r-link, and it says to wait up to 5 mins with solid red light. Then it's supposed to flash yellow, and the flah yellow and red, but the red light just stays lit and never goes past that point. I've tried reseting evo reprogramming to a different firmware, then back to the recommended firmware, but I can never get past that point and have waited up to 15mins. What should I do at this point?
posté Dec 10, 2024 dans la catégorie Audi par quin Soe (130 points)

1 Réponse

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Does the red led blink when it gets to that point? If so how many times per second? 1x, 2x etc

Is the vehicle equipped with the virtual cluster? Or is it just analog needles?

Best regards.
répondu Dec 10, 2024 par derek g (358,130 points)
No the red led stays lit, the directions say it could take up to 5 minutes, but never goes past that step. The next step should be a yellow blink, and the yellow and red blinking. It never gets past the solid red. No digital cluster.
Analog needles for cluster.
You are using the R link programming tool correct?


Re flash the firmware, in pro mode click on "view other firmware" then go down and re select and re flash 64.06. Once that is done re attempt in vehicle programming.
Yes I'm using the r-link. I already tried refreshing that didn't work.
Alrighty in that case youd be best to call into the tech line when you have the vehicle and module on hand so an agent can go through the set up and programming with you.


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