Questions & Answers

+12V from BCM fuse box or ignition switch?

0 votes
EVO-ALL installation guide for 2014 Ford Focus indicates a +12V connection to remote starter from fuse box@BCM.

Can +12V from ignition switch be used instead or is there a reason for taking it from the BCM fuse box?
posté Aout 21, 2015 dans la catégorie Ford par Dinesh Koya (780 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
Which installation guide are you following? I can't seem to find any guides taht we say to grab the 12V connection at the BCM, all guides point to the ignition barrel / switch.
répondu Aout 21, 2015 par Robert T (299,650 points)
Nevermind, just saw it in the install guide using T-harness.

We say to grab it there in case the remote starter being used requires more current than what the igniiton harness can supply.