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How to get by a 2007 Vovlo S60 immobilizer that keeps shutting down the engine ?

0 votes
2007 Volvo S60 - Evo-All module with ALU transponder loop (key wrap) - Crimestopper RS2-G3 remote starter :

Anyone successfully installed such a system on a 2007 S60 Volvo ?

Flash and programming was successful.  However the vehicle will briefly start to be shut down I presume by some of the vehicle's control modules.  I get a "Immobilizer see manual" message.  I insured the key was properly wrapped and i'm pretty sure it is because when it is not properly wrapped, I get a "Start prevented try again" message instead of the immobilizer message.

Am I missing a step ?  What should I try next to fix this issue ?
posté Oct 24, 2015 dans la catégorie Volvo par Gaetan Roussel (260 points)
modifié Oct 24, 2015 par Gaetan Roussel

1 Réponse

+2 votes
volvo needs to have the keysense connected, start with that if it's not already done.

Since the evo-all covers can-bus features and assuming all the ignition wiring is correct, if you set the crimestopper to tachless, you should be able to remote start with the key wrap in place. Similarly, with a key in the barrel, without the key wrap connected, you should be able to remote start the car.
répondu Oct 24, 2015 par Robert T (304,280 points)

Hi again,

Still won't start. The engine stater will turn for less than a second followed by an "Immobilizer see manual" message. I tried with the key in the ignition and with the key wrap, same result, it won't start.


I made the following Evo-All connections:


20 pin conn.:


  1. Yellow wire to the Yellow wire (Key Sense) at the ignition harness.

  2. Dk. Blue wire to the GWR (-) Output Yellow/Black wire of the 14 pin harness of the CrimeStopper RS2-G3 remote stater.


5 pin conn.:


  1. Gray/Blk wire to OBDII Pin 3 White wire (Can High)

  2. Gray wire to OBDII Pin 11 Green wire (Can Low)


4 pin conn. to the 4 pin harness of the CrimeStopper RS2-G3 remote stater (Data-Link).



CrimeStopper RS2-G3 remote stater connections:


6 pin power harness:


  1. Two (2) Constant 12V (+) Input Red wires to Red wire in Driver Running Board harness.

  2. Start (+) Output Brown wire to Yellow/White wire at the ignition harness.

  3. Accessory (+) Output Gray wire to Accessory 1 Blue wire at the ignition harness.

  4. Ignition #1 (+) Input/Output Pink wire to Ignition 1 Blue/Red wire at the ignition harness.



14 pin wire harness:


  1. GWR (-) Output Yellow/Black wire to Evo-All 20 pin conn. Dk. Blue wire.

  2. Horn (-) Output Yellow wire to Yellow wire at Steering Column.

  3. Brake (+) Input Purple wire to Yellow wire at Foot Brake Yellow wire at Brake Switch (the wire was actually Yellow with a thin red stripe)


I have yet to connect the Parking light and Tachometer wires but this should not affect the starting of the vehicle. I did not have to connect the Lock/Unlock wires has it would appear the Evo-All handles this task without having to use the Lock/Unlock wires.


It would appear the vehicle recognize the key because as I said previously when I don't put a key in the ignition or use the 2 pin key wrap, the message is shown as "Start prevented try again" message instead of the immobilizer message.


So …. what is next? Am I missing a connection? Is the Evo-all not completing all necessary steps to enable the engine to run?

Hi Robert,

As discussed I attempted to temporarily connect a constant 12 volt wire to the Yellow Key Sense wire and holding the vehicle's key transponder very close to the ignition switch while remote starting the vehicle and could not start the vehicle.  I got the same message as above.

I must not be doing something right concerning the Key Sense issue.

Can you offer me specific advice as to how I should proceed to activate this Key Sense wire ?
When the OEM fob (key) is in the ignition I checked and the Yellow Key Sense wire is energized (12 volt). Combined with the transponder near the ignition with the key in it, I don't see why I would have to energize the Key Sense wire from another 12 volt source.  The remote starter should get the engine going without these two things.
As discussed I connected the 2nd Acc wire at the ignition switch and the car now starts !  It will start with the key in the ignition or with the key wrap and no need to energize the Key Sense wire as it will still start.

Thanks for your assistance :)
Excelllent and thanks for the update on the key-sense.
Can you clarify what you did here? I am experiencing the same issue.