Questions & Answers

Adding REVO-4 to EVO-ALL (EVO-CHRT5)

0 votes
I have successfully installed an EVO-ALL in my 2008 Dodge Ram using the EVO-CHRT5 harness as a stand-alone starter using the "3X lock" function. I hardwired three wires, one for the ignition (yellow), one other one for data that my application required (red/green from 20 pin harness to purple), and one for the parking light feature. It works great but the problem is the range on my OEM fob is NOT great.

I'd like to add a Crimestopper REVO-4 RF kit and toss my OEM fobs in the drawer for good! Now I know I will have to flash the EVO-ALL to see the Crimestopper REVO-4 remote and not the OEM fob. My question is...

Will the REVO-4 unlock feature work? Basically, if I hook up the REVO-4, can I toss my OEM fob in the drawer? Seems to me that the EVO-ALL wouldn't be able to unlock and lock my doors for me unless I did some more hard-wiring? Or will it be able to lock/unlock through the CANBUS connection?

Just kind of wondering what the EVO-ALL is capable of the way I currently have it wired (as outlined above) and if I will have to do anymore soldering.

asked Jan 8, 2016 in Dodge by Dan Buley (350 points)
edited Jan 8, 2016 by Dan Buley

1 Answer

0 votes
You won't have a single extra connection to make for your doorlock to work on the REVO remotes. You will have to enable the correct options in your EVOALL (require Flash Link Updater 2) and program the remotes to your EVOALL and that's it !
answered Jan 9, 2016 by Dan Buley (85,210 points)
So the door UNLOCK and LOCK will work from the REVO remotes with no additional hardwire connections?
I've also been hearing that the range on the REVO4 is pitiful, almost as bad as the OEM fob or sometimes worse! Is this true? Anyone have any personal experience to relate?