Questions & Answers

2014 CRV - Evo-One starts the car, putting in key and hitting brake triggers a starter grind.

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Looks like the imobilizer light is staying on on the dash when started. Then when I put key to position 2, and go to hit hte brake to shift to drive, starter grinds - Think I saw something about setting 32? Any recommendations?
posté Mai 15, 2017 dans la catégorie Honda par dave conner (160 points)

1 Réponse

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Definitly something is wrong with your wiring, what is the service number written on the back of your module ? Also which wires on the EVOONE are connected to the vehicle ?
répondu Mai 16, 2017 par dave conner (85,210 points)
002b07165013 - using harness v1, so running lights, horn, and splitting yellow with yellow green and yellow red.
What wire from the evo did you use for parking lights?
Pink. Also, sheet Pink
Do the parking lights tunr on when remote started? I ask because i have seen this exact symtpom on hondas when the parking lights are not connected properly and it ends up damagin the evo.
Yes, they turn on. When I put the key in and hit brake, they turn off, then on, then off.
was the Horn wire you connected to tested? If you disconnect your park light and horn connection temporarily does it still do the problem?
I'll try to disconnect them both and try on Friday when I start my troubleshooting
Disconnected lights wire. Has worked with no starter grind 4x times in a row now. Also noticing that radio doesn't turn on until I put the key in and turn to ignition 2...interesting...
Nope! Just didn't again. Also noted, if I remote start and then put key in and turn it, it engages the starter....
Do you have another module to try? To see if its internal to the evo?


If not wiring in a basic starter cut would solve the issue.