Questions & Answers

Solid Red LED immediately after plugging in Data-Link Wire

0 votes
I have an EVO-ALL unit with T-Harness THAR-GM1. I went through the initial steps for programming, programmed the unit using the Flashlink Manager software. Reinstalled into the car, remote start did not work. Attempted to redo programming. Unit began displaying a solid Red LED. I held in the programming button and inserted the Data-Link wire and it immediately displayed the solid Red LED again. I continued to hold the button in for several minutes and the Red LED remains lit. I then tried to reconnect it to Flashlink Manager, and it detects it. I tried to reinstall the firmware and it installs. I take it back to the car to try programming again, and again i received the solid Red LED immediately. I am at a loss as to what the problem can be.
posté Jan 8, 2020 dans la catégorie Chevrolet par William Gorzelsky (130 points)

1 Réponse

+1 vote
Please do the following:
1- Plug the module into the flash link updater. 
2- Click on view other firmware's.
3- Select version 0.99 and flash that into the unit.
4- Plug the module back into the vehicle with only power and ground connected and leave it sit for 10 seconds. 
5- Return to the computer and then re flash the 70.xx 
6- Once this is complete, return to the vehicle and re attempt programming. 
répondu Jan 9, 2020 par derek g (358,230 points)