Questions & Answers

Evo One, 2021 Mazda CX5 automatic, not getting blue led on step 4

–1 vote
It is set up on bypass firmware 85.12 and remote start firmware 1.26. I reflashed each firmware to the module in pro mode just be sure then reflashed the settings. It is set to the defaults with the wizard but I did switch to pro mode at one point to verify a few of the settings that were mentioned in the guide, A11 C1 and D2. Once I bring it to the car and plug in holding the button, blue led comes on and then I plug in 3 other cables (THAR-ONE-MAZ3 cable). I press ignition twice, it just cycles through the leds over and over. I've waited at least 2 minutes and it never stops cycling. I tried to read the voltage on the CAN BUS and it was 0.8-1.3V DC while this was going on. Any other things I can try to get the Dcrypt done? Thank you!
asked Oct 7, 2023 in Mazda by William Roberts (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Try lowering the firmware. In pro mode click on view other firmware and flash 85.11 and re attempt the in vehicle programming.


Best regards.
answered Oct 10, 2023 by derek g (358,230 points)