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driver door will not lock after remote start

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2013 Kia Sorento LX pushbutton start, evo all hardware 6, firmware 4.18,  remote starter brain compustar cm800.  Reference used for installation ... evo-all_kia_sorento_-_push-to-start_(2011-2013).rev-20140626.pdf from this site.

Installation appears to be functioning ... doors will lock and unlock via remote starter remote.  I have the remote starter set to unlock before start, lock after start ... if the doors aren't unlocked before start, the OEM security system complains (horn honks... and honks).  The doors unlock, the vehicle starts successfully, but when the remote starter attempts to lock the doors after start, all doors EXCEPT the drivers door lock... I can see the lever flip to lock on the drivers door, but then it immediately flips back to open again.

Would this have something to do with the A10 pin hookup on the evo all? ... the reference says it goes to the "driver door pin" ... but the illustration looks contradictory ... the expolded view of connector #4 on the vehicle shows a different pin location than the unexploded one.  Maybe I have the wrong pin there?  What is that supposed to do and how can I test if I have the right one selected?

Any help would be appreciated.  I can't use it this way.  Cheers.
asked Oct 21, 2014 in Kia by Todd Voigt (610 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes
Best answer

Hi Todd,


The doors should be locking and staying locked after start. In order to troublsshoot this a little, we will need some info:

  • What is the 12 digit service number of the EVO?
  • Are you using datalink?
  • Do you have the Flash-link updater so that we can update the firmware inthe EVO?
  • What happens if you disconnect the door pin?


As for the OEM alarm chirping. This type of installation should not require you to have to enable unlock before relock after start. Unless the vehicle is actually a 2014.


answered Oct 21, 2014 by Robert T (304,060 points)
selected Oct 23, 2014 by Todd Voigt
Service # 001A06 307288

This is a non-datalink installation

The vehicle is a 2013 ... the layout of the fusebox is identical to the document I referenced above ... site reference document on the 2014 looks nothing like it.

I don't have a flash programmer ... didn't think I would need one after researching the compatable firmware.  That said, I'm saving so much money over having the Kia dealership install their factory starter I can get one if need be.

I tried your suggestion of clipping the door pin (or what I think is the door pin) wire.  Now it works GREAT!.  Remote start works, lock after start option works, and I can disable the unlock before, lock after option on the starter without the Security System complaining.

So, back to this A10 pin wire. It appears I don't need it, or is there some nuance here that I didn't come across in my simple test that its needed for?  Like I said, I'm not sure I have the correct wire on the #4 harness as it is ... where do we go from here...

Thanks Robert.
The A10 connection is required and refer to the exploded view of the connector.
I verified I was hooked into the wire in the exploded view, a green/orange wire on pin 10 of the 26 pin connector, which another site identified as "door trigger".  I tested this wire and it produces constant (-) when the drivers door is ajar.  On this vehicle it is impossible to lock the drivers door when it is ajar and the engine is running... it just pops back open again.  I then tested the A10 wire and it produces constant (-) when the car starter is in operation ... it comes alive at the beginning of the start sequence and never stops.  This is why the drivers door won't lock when the A10 wire is hooked up.... the car computer is getting a constant signal that the drivers door is ajar and won't allow it to be locked.

With the A10 wire disconnected, I can't find any function on the remote starter that doesn't work ... so I'm still wondering what the actual intent of this connection is.

Again ... any and all help is appreciated.  Cheers.
The connection is only required to shut down auto lights after the remote starter has ended its cycle. The auto lights, if left on, by default, will turn themselves off after a certain amount time after stopping the vehicle.  The connection is technically not required for remote start operation, especially if you do not have autolights.
Ok, that makes some sense now.  The Sorento does have an auto mode for the lights ... Opening and closing the drivers door starts a 30 second countdown ... otherwise they stay on for 20 minutes... at least thats what the owners manual says.  I never use the auto mode, but something to be aware of.

That said, I will declare this install a success.  Thanks Robert for your assistance and explanation.
Case considered close! Glad i could help.