Questions & Answers

Chrysler 200 not cranking after textbook programming and installation

+1 vote
When I press lock 3 times the car ignition comes on but the engine does not start. It does this twice before shutting down. Do I need to reprogram ? I do not have the service number at moment.
asked Feb 24, 2015 in Chrysler by Kenneth Freeman2 (280 points)
retagged Feb 24, 2015 by Robert T

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

You will need to provide us with a little bit more information before we can help you with the troubleshooting.


We will also need the service number to see if the necessary options and firmware are flashed into the module.


Also please tell us the year of the vehicle, type of transmission, type of installation (standalone or with remote starter)

answered Feb 24, 2015 by J M (64,120 points)
selected Feb 24, 2015 by Robert T

And also if you are using a T-harness.

Chrysler 200 2012 standalone

service number is 001 A06  430370

thanks for helping
Yes I am using T harness

Please verify that the PURPLE wire from the T-HARNESS is connected to the GREEN/RED wire on the 20 pin connector of the Evo All

No. Only the yellow wire

You need to do this connection Purple (t-harness) to Greeen/Red (Evo All), this connection controls the crank in your application.

Thanks. That fixed the problem.The other issue I noticed  after remote start is that my door open sign come on in the dash. Is there a fix for that ?

Also which wire do I connect to the parking light of my vehicle during  remote start ?

Thanks for all your help.

Parking lights is White/Purple in the driver's running board harness, this wire is a POSITIVE signal wire, which means you CANNOT just hook up the parking light output wire of the Evo All (Brown/White) to this wire.


You will need a relay to convert the negative signal of the Evo-All to  a positve to be able to connect your parking lights.


The door open signal, does it only do it on remote start? Does it go away when you get in and turn the key to ignition and step on the brake?

Yes the door open signal goes away only after I use my key . Any concerns ?
How do I connect the pins of relay to evo and parking lights ? Thanks
pin 85 and 87 to a 10amp fused constant 12V

pin 86 to the EVO brown/white wire

pin 30 becomes your (+) parking light signal


more info on reverse polarity can be found here :
Thanks for reply. Everything is ok except I need help with indentifying a constant 12v source wire to access. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Driver kick panel has a few nice an thick constant 12V sources. Don't forget to add a fuse.