Questions & Answers

Doors lock twice when Lock button pressed once on Compustart RF-1WG9 remote

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I installed an EVO ONE today on a 2009 Subaru Forester.  All functionality seems to work except for when I hit the lock button I can hear the locks pulse twice.  When I hit unlock it acts normal with driver priority and all doors on second press which is normal.  I don't have any of the lock/unlock wires connected as it works thru CAN.  I do have the lock data wires connected as instructions say.

I also tried this RF kit on my Subaru Impreza with EVO ONE and it does the same double lock.
asked Jan 30, 2017 in Subaru by Ted Bennett (720 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
What is the service number to the evo-one?

What protocol was enabled in the evo-one for your compu rf kit?
answered Jan 30, 2017 by derek g (358,230 points)
Service number is in the OP... copied here for reference.  002504 043216

Protocol selected on bypass side is default.

Protocol selected on remote start side is FirstTech.
So your rf kit is sending a duplicate lock pulse by the sounds of it....Never heard of this one before to be honest....have you tried a master reset on the remote starter re set option and re program the remotes to see if it changes?
Master reset did not help unfortunately.

 The blue LED DOES flash twice, so i would agree it seems RF sends it twice.  I will have to contact compustar
Compustar support has not heard of this before either.  They think it could be an issue with how their lock command is interpretted.  Is there a document referencing the interface and the commands which are expected?

The last page of this guide shows how the buttons are mapped in the evo module.
Yes, I have seen this document as I referenced it when doing the install.  This doesn't include any information on the commands though.  I am thinking about looking at the signals to see what is sent vs what is expected, so this is why I was hoping to find some information on the commands.
I do not have access to the address commands that are sent via data.