Questions & Answers

Unlock button pulses 2 times & lock pulses 2 times

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Vehicle: 2015 Chevy Tahoe Standard Key
Fortin Evo All w/ THAR-GM7 and RFK442 and LinkR LT

I've made sure double pulse is NOT on, but every time I hit the lock button on the RF remote or through the LinkR LT app the vehicle will lock 2 times and when I hit the unlock button the vehicle will unlock 2 times. I can't figure out why it's doing this... everything else is working good...


I tried reprogramming the car/evo-all and selecting the option in the instructions for a vehicle WITHOUT OnStar (my Tahoe is a Police version and has the OnStar mirror/button, but some Police Tahoe's don't come with OnStar so I'm not sure if that's indicative of it having OnStar) anyways, the vehicle now locks correctly (1 tap of the lock button locks the car once) BUT when I press the unlock button the vehicle turns to the ON position (dash lights come on but the vehicle does NOT start the engine) and then the vehicle turns OFF and the doors unlock once... So I am not sure what this means or if this helps anyone to figure out the problem.
closed with the note: spoke on phone
asked Jun 6, 2020 in Chevrolet by Benjamin Felder (130 points)
closed Jun 10, 2020 by Robert T2